
New York City-based


The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

...Ok, probably not. But that's no excuse for being unprepared when an emergency (inevitably) happens. Disasters happen far more frequently than we think, whether it's a brush fire, an earthquake, a house fire, a flood, a tornado, a tsunami, a drought, a job loss, an asteroid, riots, economic collapse, or the zombie invasion.
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” -Seneca
This isn't a conservative or liberal topic. It's a matter of taking the best care of yourself and your family that you can under various circumstances. The stereotype of a prepper is a middle-aged, white, Christian, male, gun-advocate, Tea Party member who lives in a suburban or rural community. Well, I'm a flaming liberal young orthodox Jewish woman living in NYC. If that isn't breaking the prepper stereotype, I don't know what is.

Why a Jewish-specific site about survivalism and disaster prep? Because Jews who follow Jewish custom and law (however they interpret that) have special needs and considerations not being covered by what passes as the "mainstream" sources in the topic. You have special needs and our community has different questions. For example, when would you feel enough in danger to eat un-hechshered food you believe is kosher? What about actual treif food? Would you choose to be vegetarian/vegan instead, even though it might affect your health and chances of survival? I don't have answers to those questions, but I hope to raise the questions so that you and your family can consider what is best for you.

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